Sunday, 10 February 2013

Bring It On!

What does one do on the weekend before the Michelle Bridges Body Transformation starts?

I'd love to post that I weighed, measured, got myself organised and took it easy. Alas, that's really not my style.

Saturday night Billasaurus and I went to a world-famous in Geelong Bavarian theme restaurant, The Rheingold. It has stayed the same Im sure for the last 30 years- the same pig on the spit that gets paraded around to accordian music and shouts of ZIGGA ZAGGA ZIGGA ZAGGA HEY HEY HEY!!

Source: The Rheingold

The main drawcard of course is that for $70, there is unlimited roast dinner (and generous servings of crackling!) and unlimited beer/wine.

We had a great night dancing to cheesy pop tunes with friends, and I can now say my life is complete having heard 'Gangnam Style' sung by a German guy on an electric keyboard.

Source: Gizmodo

Have just downloaded the menu and exercise plan for Week 1 of the 12WBT. The food doesn't look too bad! I can do this.

The exercise though, hooly dooly. I am currently COMPLETELY inactive, so to go to 6 days a week full on exercising will be a big jump! I have decided that sticking to the diet is my main priority, as I know I have lost significant amounts of weight in the past by making diet changes.

The plan hopefully is that once im feeling confident about my new diet, and have gotten used to the meal planning, weighing and measuring and preparation, I will then up the ante on my exercise.

Is anyone else on the 12WBT, or making a concerted effort to lose weight?


  1. Good luck with the 12WBT! I did three rounds - must admit by the third it was half hearted! :)

  2. Your plan sounds good, start with the diet first, and then exercise. It doesnt matter if you dont exercise 6 days a week - even I dont do that much! I reckon 3 days is fine enough to start off with!
    Btw, are you gonna be joining a gym or doing the exercise at home? I joined Contours (an all-female gym where its just group sessions all day long with really friendly trainers and a non-intimidating environment) and its helped me so much in terms of exercising and staying motivated. The girls there become like your friends, you worry about them missing you when you skip a day! lol... just a suggestion, if you have a contours near you!

    Lol at the german guy singing gangnam style... so random!!!


  4. Good luck! Yes, I am trying to lose weight this year. Or moreso, just be MORe active than last. I actually dont eat that much but for some reason it doesn't make a difference in weight loss. I need the exercise portion of weight loss.

    Ps love your blog! You are so funny!

    - KK x

  5. Good luck! I know it worked for a lot of people so I hope it works for you too!

  6. I love the idea of one last hurrah. I'ce recently lost about 6kgs. That was mostly through diet and going walking a couple of times a week. Good luck!

  7. that night sounds amazing! best of luck for 12WBT :) x


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